Filename: help.djinn.commands:document (Revision 4) Document: Summary of commands for Djinn-TSS v:2.00, with Syntax. From: (John Borowski) Date: 11 May 1994 22:40:00 PST CAT fin TTY file to your terminal. (Beware: This is the brute force method of looking at a text file....There is no pause and no abort!) CD [+|-][path] Change Default path If issued without a path, displays the current path If first character is [+] add to current path If first character is [-] remove LAST part of current path, then add new path Special Macro $HOME will change to your PFA CLS Clear the screen, and produce READY prompt. COPY fin1 fin2 Copies a file from fin1 to fin2 DIR [fin][/D][/P] Catalog of Files (Default is Current path) Optional Parameter /D shows detailed info. Parameter /P causes "Press any key" every 20 lines. Special Macro $ROOT will show top level EDIT fin Edit a Text file in your PFA. EMAIL [address] Send Electronic Mail Message. See for addressing info. ERASE fin Erases a file (From your PFA only!!!) FIB [path] Load Djinn file browser. If no path is specified, uses the current default path. FTP Request file from remote network site. See help.djinn.ftp:document for details HELP [command] Shows help file regarding command specified. If no command is specified, shows the help file for the "help" command, which contains an index of help files. HISTORY Shows a list of the commands you have recently used. LOGOUT Leave system. MORE TTY file to terminal, with pauses. PAGE Ring Bell at System Operator Console. (Beware of Sysop!) POST Load POST program. (Send Messages) See for details READF [news] Load Message Reader The option NEWS will skip Email, and run directly into newsgroups and Message areas. REQUEST Load Request Program, Select Newsgroups/Message Areas RUN name Load MUD (aka Door, Jumpdoor) See help.djinn.mud:document for list of available. SCAN areaname Display summary of message headers SET [parm=[opt]] Set a default parameter in your user profile See help.djinn.set:document for details SHOW [opt] Displays information. See TAR opt [fin] Tape Archive. See help.djinn.tar:document for details TIN Load Djinn version of TIN usenet news reader TRANSMIT [p fin] Transmit a [LOCAL] Bianary file. Protocol and filename are required unless a run-control file exists in the user PFA directory. See help.djinn.transmit:document for details & protocols TYPE fin Load and run selected text file browser. See help.djinn.set:document for instructions to change selected typer, and list of available typers. UUENCODE fin Create UUEncoded file in pfa UUDECODE fin Decode UUEncoded file in pfa UUZIP opt fin fin Djinn compression and archiving system, which is compatable with PKZIP 2.04g. See help.djinn.uuzip:document VER Show version numbers about all Djinn Modules online. Also shows which modules are currently offline, or only partially functioning WHOIS [username] Lists information about users, if available. If no username is specified, allows you to create and edit YOUR information. See also: help.djinn.fin:document for Filename and path specs. Help for Internet Specific topics is under help.internet. Syntactical Notation used in this document: fin A Djinn Filename. path The first section of a Djinn filename. [ ] Indicates an optional parameter. Items shown after a command, that are NOT in brackets are REQUIRED, and if missing, will generate an error. (Usually Missing Operand (?MO) Error.) p Error correcting protocol name | Indicates OR, but not AND. parm Parameter opt Option username The login name of a LOCAL user. address Full E-Mail address of a remote user, OR the login name of a Local User.