Asteroid Colony #8 was a Descent-1 level
I designed and created for
Interplay's Level Building Contest in 1995. Although I did not win the
contest, I did grab a runner up position which earned me a copy of
their latest game release.
It is my understanding that the level was included in the "Descent:
Levels of the World" add-on/expansion along with the other winners of
the contest. (Although I never purchased the expansion, and in fact
never saw it on-sale.)
At one time I had a website for the level that had some of the design
specs, an interactive map of the colony, and hints for those playing
it. The website
though has long since been lost.
There were a number of unique features
included, and the level became known for it's secrets and secret areas.
One of the features which allowed it to be played well in
LAN/Multi-player mode was by including a number of extra doors that
opened in LAN play to prevent a player from being trapped easily. As
far as I know it was the only level ever designed with "Children"
included as part of the station personnel. (See Picture)
Level "Asteroid Colony #8" for Descent 1
54 KB
Instructions: Unzip the archive into your Descent 2 MISSIONS folder.
COPYRIGHT (C)1995 by
Lapsus Linguæ Labs and Interplay Productions Although
the software on this
page is offered for free public download, it is NOT PUBLIC DOMAIN. It
may NOT be redistributed, sold or modified without the author's prior
permission. License is granted by the copyright owner only for personal
use of this software.