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20-Oct-2024 :: Show
Well, I thought I was going to be on-the-air today but stupid little Chineese computer I use for broadcasting had other ideas. (It won't login to my building internet router.)
19-Oct-2024 :: Adapting / Hospital
I have had to do quite a bit of adapting to the situation on no longer having a right leg. But I have been slowly managing to figure out how to go things again.

I have just spent the past two days in the hospital again. They hadn't been able to do my dialysis as the port was not working. I of course got sick and had to go back into the hospital.

I thought they were going to repace the port, but instead managed to locate the problem. They removed a blood clot from the aubing for the port. Somewhat dangerous, as blood clots are for just your ordenary person not on a kidney machne.
Satisfactory :: 16-Oct-2024
My driver the other day told me his friend was able to play satisfactory v1.0 using an AMD processor computer. So I re-installed to try it.

Nope. Runs for about 15 seconds. never displays anything, then shuts down. They never fixed it. It is STILL the biggest rupoff/scam in computer gaming history. br>
What I have done is in the place where steam has satisfactory, I replaced it wit version. No, I do not feel bad about using a pirate version, since I **HAVE** PA for this game, and shortly after I paid for it, they locked everyone out who uses an AMD CPU (which includs me) ... do they can stuff it up their ass. NO ONE should ever buy Satisfactory. They just rip you off!
Dumb/Ubisoft :: 13-Oct-2024
So I get myself dressed (not an actually easy thing) and headed outside to wait for my ride to dialysis. I finally looked at the date on my phone and realized today is SUNDAY.

Naturally in that time I missed doing my show. I wont me doing shows at the Yiff but I might be starting shows in SL at another club. We will see.

It seems that Ubisoft never programmed in a broadcast mode for silent hunter. It will anly say not broadcasting. Grrr. Maybe I will record a video and wither put it here on on my youtube channel.
10-Oct-2024 :: ATS Gallery updated
I updated my American Truck Simulator Screen Shot Gallery today. You can find it in the games/solo section, or click the link here.
09-Oct-2024 :: Pet Peeves / Live Stream Games
There are several words and phrazes that people Incorrectly Use all of the time which are especially irratating to me. And I have started correcting people on Youtube that try to use them. These people who say (or write) these words and phrazes have marked themselves (to me) as as idiots... who are repeating these incorrect words and phrases like stupid parrots that do not bothering to take the time to learn what they are saying.

"Duck Tape"Exactly how many times have you taped ducks together, asshole? The correct word is DUCT TAPE. It is tape used to join, repair or lightly seal the joints of air conditioning, heating, or ventilation DUCT pipes.

"x y z solar system" No, It is NOT the Andromeda solar system, or the Vega solar system, or the Proxima solar system. There is ONLY ONE "solar sysem" because our star (the one you see up in the sky from here on **TERRA** [which is the actual NAME of the planet you are standing on]) is the only star named "Sol."

"Santa Anna Wind" (My original pet peeve, and one of the most annoying thing you can say. Wikipedia even has this one and many peofessional news cast meteriologists say this; to my complete annoyment) The correct word/phraze is "Santana Wind" Meaning The wind of Saint Anne, Holy Wind, or Devil Wind. These Hot, Dry winds do not, not, NOT have anything to do with the or come from the city of Santa Anna on the California coast.

    Live Games; On my Home/Main Page http:\\rexx.us/jitar you can watch me playing various gammes in Steam, and you can chat with me while I am playing in the live stream. I now have that working so ANYONE can watch the live streams with their web browser and do NOT need to have steam installed.

28-Sep-2024 :: Hospital
It happened again early this morning, and around 5am I called 911. Oddly enough It was one of the paramedica that may have finally figured out what is causing the problem.

22-Seo-2024 :: 911
I have had to call 911 several times the past couple of months. I have been having trouble breathing. They finally figured out that I had pnumonia and dmitted me to the hospital for about a week, and gave me an inhailer with medication for it. a little frightning actually as that is what killed my wife several years ago. I zseem to be doing better now though and have been making it to dialysis quite reularly the past month. The insurance company finally figured out that it was better for them fo pay $20 each week for my transportation to dilysis instead of paying a couple of million for me to be in the hospital and needing surgery from the access port infections. The last one I lost my lower right leg. It has been a but traumatic trying to learn to live without my leg, but I have been slowly managing.
15-Sep-2024 :: Radio Show
For some reason the little domputer I use to broadcast my shows is saying "This copy of windows is not genuine" and it is refusing to reset the windows regestration key. Sam broadcaster dosent seem to be installed anymoe. It is probbably just refusing to run or show itsself doe to the windows error. *sigh*

So I guess no live broadcast radio show again this week.
01-Sep-2024 :: shows
It is just as well that I decided not to do my shows this weekend. I ended up in the hospital most of the day, unable to breath. They did finally give me some medication for it.
18-Aug-2024 :: Radio Shows
I had planned to be on-air again this weekend. But tyhat did not very well.

I am not sure what is going on with my health. I have been having tremours in my hands, sometimes severly. I cant stop them from shaking. i am also experiancing breathing problems, which has sent to hospital several times in the past two months
11-Aug-2024 :: Neighbors, Caretakers, and meals on wheels
Everyone in my apartment building has been helping me out. A great thing as I am still not used to my right leg being completely missing. One in particular is Jason from room 211 who has been my acting care-giver, and who I wouldn's be able to do much without his help.

United health has sterted sending me their version of Meels-on-wheels which is called Mom's Meals. been very helpful.
11-Jul-2024 :: Hospital
Sorry for the long absense everyone, I have been hospitalized for nearly a month. Unfortunately, this time I completely lost my right leg
24-06-11 :: Surgery
Did not go as planned I had to have surgery to replace my dialid. it did not go all that well...
01-June-2024 :: Not feeling well
Due to ongoing transportation issues, I have only been able to make it to one of my Dialysis treatments each week. Which means the one I can get to is hitting me harder and leaving me drained of energy as well as being somewhat Ill.

I wont be doing either of my shows this weekend. With any luck, I will be able to be on-the-air next weekend.

The state of Nevada wanted to call me in for Jury Dury. But I am already missing too much dialysis because of the transport issues, so I can't take time off from the dialysis to serve on a Jury.

I actually feel bad about having to bow out of the duty due to my medical needs.
20-May-2023 :: American Truck Simulator
World of Trucks is currently hosting a live event for American Truck Simulaor for their new DLC, the state of Nebraska. By some wierdness by purchasing them one at a time spread out over several years,I have managed to keep up on the DLC add-ons for ATS and have almost all of the expansions. (Minus a couple of very minor ones like the steering wheel pack that I don't need or want.) I have been playing ATS quite a bit for the past couple of months to keep myself busy and occupied, as I can not currently work a regular job and am disabled. (The dialysis treatments leave a person very sick, and one never knows how badly it will effect you. As Employers prefer people who can regularly make it in to work and not having to call out sick often.)

For the Live event the ATS community collectavily need to delever 125,000,000 miles of cargo from/to cities in Nebraska. Each driver also has the personal goel of delivering cargo from/to every city in Nebraska.

There are special Truck Paints and Truck cabin items that are awarded. I have participated in several of the live events and enjoy them. I am very good at this game as I was a commercial truck driver in my youth, having gone to Wally Thor's Truckmaster driving school when I was but 16 years old.

You can watch on my game live broadcast (Which you can access/watch from the live broadcast link on my main home page. click the house icon at the bottom of the left side menu then scroll down to the STEAM section.) You can also view my ATS screen-shots gallery at http://rexx.us/jitar/games_solo_ATS.html (in the GAMES section of my website under the solo games section.)
19-May-2024 :: Missed Dialysis
I have been feeling kinda weap and shakey since Thursday morning. I suspect it has a lot to do with my missing dialysis treatments. Last week I missed Monday and Wednesday, although I did manage to have transportation on Friday. Our social worker at the dialysis clinic is I think still working on transportation for me. At least, I hope so. I really need to be able to get to my dialysis appointments more often as I am getting a bit sick from missing it too much. And Friday, having been the first time in a week was very rough. I had switched my medicare and medicaid to United Health because I thought they would be able to provide transportation to my medical appointments, not knowing they would limit it to 48 trips per year. Which at six trips per week went very fast through them all.
28-Apr-2024 :: Sad
I don't know why, but the last song of my radio show today made me very sad. It wasn't a sad song. Not really sure why.
21-May-2024 :: Uber Idiots
I am still having transportation issues trying to get to Dialysis. From the look of it I will be in the hospital Tuesday. The county transportation commission sent a voucher for Uber so I can get to Dialysis when the RTC busses can not take me. (Normally I am in a wheelchair, so they send a special mini-bus for me.)

I have been trying to schedule a trip via uber but can't. Their app keeps crashing. When I try to login, it insists it has to send me a code. When the text message arrives on my phone, the text app pops up and everyting else goes into the background. The Uber app aparently idnt expecting that and gets stuck in the background. It can't be re-activated, cant be closed, and can't be uninstalled. It is just sitting there and won't do anything.

The Uber customer service is a bunch of Idiots. They too insist on a texted code, which when the text comes in pushes the telephone app into the background and disconnects the call. I call back over and over and give them the code, which they tell me isn't any good, that it is expired.

Now... they just hang up on me. I have sent an email to the president of Uber telling hime how bad his so-called "customer service" really is. That leaves me with the issue that I can't get to the dialysis clinic. They replaced my access port tubes last week, and as expected, it came with an infection. Uber really screwed me on this. I Definatly will never use them myself, and I plan to tell the county transportation commission about all of this, and recomend that they never use them either.
13-Apr-2024 :: Fall
I have ben missing quite a bit of Dialysis the past couple of months sue to ongoing transportation issues. The nurse/tec who hooked me up to the kidney nachine yesterday anded up pulling waaaay too much liquid out of my blood. Trying to catch up. I got very light-headed near the end of the treatment. Somewhat feels like being dizzy but without the vertigo. Late last night, I was trying to get into my wheelchair and completely missed. I fell over, nearly knocking my computer monitor out of the window, and nearly went out the window with it. My left leg just below the kneecap hurts. I do not think my leg is broken as I have been able to walk on it short distances.
08-Apr-2024 :: Uber
Next sunday I intend to review Uber on my radio show, and tell eberyone how fucked-up this company is. I have been trying for several days (since my surgery thursday actually) to book a ride to dialysis using an uber voucher yhe county sent me to be able to get to dialysis. There were no shows this week because I was busy being jerked around by uber'dsupposed customer service dept
04-Apr-2024 :: Surgery Today
I had minor surgery this morning. Well, it would have been considered minor except anyhing near the heart is risky. For dialysis, instead of a fistula I have an access port surgically implanted. Basically I have two tubes sticking out of my chest. Instead of stabbing me with really gigntic needles every day, they just have to plug me in drectly to the kidney machine. The port is generally supposed to be replaced each year. Mine had been in almost exactly two years, and failed Monday. (It was just an outpatient surgery, it only took about foru hours alltogether.)

As for the new Rexx Mail Exchanger. There are definatly a new bugs so I am fixing those and tweaking the programs to get them working exactly he way I want them.

Friday night, just as Saturday started at midnight the spammers started trying to find some way to their spam and scams into Rexx. The new mail server worked great. But then. Monday was rolling into Tuesday and they really let loose. I guess I made them mad locking them out like that. Thousands of different IP addresses were beating their heads on the mail server, with me mking adjustments as fast as I could. Some of them got so mad they started trying to break into the Unix servers, and the FTP. Firewalled by me immediately. I imagine that made them apoplectic.
27-Mar-2024 :: ATS Gallery Update / General News
I have updated my gallery of Screenshots for Americam Truck Simulator. It is located at http://rexx.us/jitar/games_solo_ATS.html

The Transportation issues continue. I made it to dialysis last Monday, and I have RTC Access tickets for next Monday. RTC sent me a voucher for Uber, but I still need to setup an Uber account on my phone.

Because we know I won't be in for dialysis all week, they have been taking a lot more liquid out of my blood. Which has been leaving me feeling ill. Monday they took over 4 liters. In one day (this past Monday) I lost about 9 lbs just from the liquid they took out. My pants have become very loose.
19-Mar-2024 :: Transportation Issues Again and Work on Rexx
So I switched to United health several months ago with the understanding that on the Dual-Elegible special needs program that Nevada's Medicaid was supposed to provide proansportation to and from medical programs. As it turns out United Healthplan only book transportation through Medicare (which I also have) and only 48 times per year. As I go for dialysis three times per week I have already burned through all 48 rides. (2 per day, three times a week.) So transport has once again become a serious problem. In the past couple of weeks I have been refered from one office to another. Often times going in circles. UHP tells me to call DWSS, who tels me to call the main Medicare office, who tells me to call DWSS, who tells me to call the LTSS office of Medicare who tells me to call United Health. And on and on that goes. The social worker at the dialysis clinic is trying to find some sort of transportation for me. I figure I have 8 to 10 days before I land in the hospital.

A couple of weeks back I finally got sick and tired of all the spammers and hackers attacking the mail servers here on Rexx. So I wrote a whole new mail server from scratch. It had a few rough spots and bugs starting up but I seem to have made enough tweaks and patches to it that it is now working well, And is managing very nicely to tell the spammers to f*** off. It can actually be quite rude and obscene to the spammers. I have more spammers and hackers trying to get in than actual customers. In the 1990's and early 2000's Rexx was doing pretty well, but of late there isn't much call for large unix systems. So I really don't have many customers left. (Most have died over the past 30 years.) I mostly just run the servers so the last couple of customers do not have to switch e-mail addresses. So it is breaking even with the costs, more or less. If just 1% of the spammers would pay for an account, I would be doing a lot better. But I havent actually gotten any new paying customers for several years.
08-Mar-2024 :: Feeling Good
I did not vote in the Nevada primary election. I have been a life-long Republican, but feel that the party has lost it's path. So I re-registered as "no party affiliation" last year. The Trump Cult frankly scares me it is so far off path of what the Republican Party is supposed to be about. As far as the main election in November, I will not be voting for either Trump (who did not file in NV to be on the ballot) nor Biden. I feel both are too old to hold office. I don't think there will be many good choices come November.

Health wise, I am ac tually feeling pretty good for the first time in a long time. United Health Plan has been taking pretty good care of me. The almost $140 alllowance I have for OTC medications and extra food has been exceptionally helpful. For the past months I have been taking vitimins, and generally eating a lot better along the guidelines of our nutritionist at the dialysis clinic.
28-Feb-2024 :: Still Alive
Yes. I am still very much alive. I just got very busy over the past couple of weeks.

About 5 months ago, the spammers going after my mail servers here on Rexx started getting massively out of control. They have been using what is called a dictionary attack to try to find usernames to spam. Sometimes thousands of addresses per day.

Two weeks ago I got fed up with it and started to write my own mail server system that could block them out much faster than scanning the sendmail program logs could. It actually works pretty well, but has taken a lot of of my time.

If only 1% of these spammers had considered paying for an account, Rexx would be a lot better off.

Beyond that, have been playing space engineers and american truck simulator. Stop in and watch. Link on the home page to watch my live stream broadcast. (Click the little house icon on the left sidebar.)
05-Feb-2024 :: Yiff show Return
This past weekend I did my first show back at the Yiff Club in Second Life. The first 30 minutes did not go exactly as planned. I couldn't connect to the club streaming server. That turned out to simply be an extra character in the server name. The crowd was a bit different than I remembered so it took me a few mins to "read" the crowd and start playing music they enjoyed.

It all worked out in the end though. You can listen to a recording of the show in my Show Archive in the radio section of this website.

I found it funny that what several people said they missed was my meow on-air. I have to admit, it is unique.
01-Feb-2024 :: Kids
I guess most Boomers as parents have problems with their children, and I am no exception. I won't re-open the why and wherefore. I was thinking about her so I started poking around. She has a gofundme to fix her teeth which are in really bad condition. So far she has raised almost $9,000, of the $15,000 estimated amount needed.

Okay, Yes. This *is* totally my fault. I have never taken care of my teeth as it just seemed to be too much of a hassle, so I don't have any anymore. And I assumed that while I was working to put food on the table and pay rent to keep a roof over our heads (which I did a lousy job at) or trying to FIND a job, that my late wife was taking care of the kid. How stupid was I?

I guess that is the one major fault with us boomers. We were taught to be good, kind, decent and honest and to do what was required of us. And we tend to assume that everyone else is too, and that the will do as they are supposed to and be decent people. Well, MOST of us boomers were taught to be that way. This is probbably why so many of us boomers are falling prey to scammers and "quiet" thieves. We tend to be too trusting.

I believe is was Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci that said: "I have offended God and mankind because my work didn't reach the quality it should have." ... and thus it is aprenetly so with parenting our children.
28-Jan-2024 :: Yiff Show
I spoke last night with the DJ manager at the Yiff club, and I will be resuming my Club shows starting next week. (On the 3rd of Feb) I will be on at the same schedule as before, 8pm to 10pm Pacific / 11pm to Sunday 1am. The shows will again me simulcast on WOGR our Generation Radio

I had taken a pause on my Club shows due to health concerns ... but I am back!
27-Jan-2024 :: Medicare Advantage
I know there are a lot of Youtube videos that say never get a Medicare Advantage plan. But I am finding it to be the best thing I have ever done for my health. A lot of people have mentioned that I look well now, and I do feel better than I have in a long time.

To Stay alive, I need to get to and from dialysis treatments three times a week. But almost a year ago we lost our main medical transportation here in Reno due them loosing most of their sponsorships and funding. Which only left RTC Access (Which is the paratransit division of our county bus transit system.) But that costs $3 for each use. (Every time you get on the bus, so $6 per day for me.) It may not seem like a lot but it is for me. Although I own Rexx, it dosen't make much money anymore. Very little call for Unix based ISP service anymore. There are more spammers and scammers trying to hack in to it than actual users now. So I am dependant on Social Security for my income.

In October I signed up for an Advantage plan through United Health. This works well for me as I am on both Federal Medicare and Nevada Medicaid which my UHP plan handles both. They not only pay 100% of my Doctor and Dialysis costs but are handling my transportation. I also get a $138 pwe month allowance to buy OTC medications and some food items from Walmart. (From a very specific list.) Which has been super helpful. I have been taking vitimins, and drinking ensure nutrution shakes after dialysis. I have also been eating those tuna salad snack kits a lot, as well as having canned roast beef several times a month. For the first time my bloodwork shows a normal protien level which the clinic nutritionist is happy with.

I still have one radio show a week on Sunday at Noon Eastern time. I plan to continue that for the forseeable future. You can listen to my LIVE shows at Out Generation Radio and you can also listen to my older shows in my show archive on this website. I also plan to return to doing club shows at the Yiff in second life whrn they have a schedule slot available again.
16-Jan-2024 :: Election
So Trator Trump won the Iowa Caucus. So how come we aren't hearing how it was rigged and stolen etc? Because The Chump won. If he had lost we would be hearing about it from Mr Rump. I can not understand why so many people are supporting him. We really don't need a senile Fachist criminal in government. Well at least he will not be on the ballot here in Nevada. Idiot never registered to be onto be on the ballot here. I am sure we will be hearing about how he was prevented from being on the ballot when it was totally his fault.

Someone should string him up. The traditional punishment for treason is death by hanging. He deserves it.
07-Jan-2024 :: No Show Today
I am not able to log my broadcast computer into the building wifi. I cant find the rent reciept with the wifi code written on it. Bah.
06-Jan-2024 :: No Club Shows
I was looking at the Yiff club DJ schedule, and everything is booked. So I will not be doing live club shows for the time being. I of course have my regular Sunday classic rock radio show on Our Generation Radio every Sunday from Noon to 2pm eastern time

You can also listen to the show recordimg archive here.
01-Jan-2024 :: Happy New Year!
Here we begin 2024. I have made some changes to the news page sctipt so that it is no longer trying to copy the compressed archives into the older pages so they should be readable again.
24-Sep-2024 :: Pnumonia
They were taking me for dislysis last week but my apartment manager saw how sick I was anc called 911, so I have been in St Mary's hospital for the past week being treated for pnummonia. Just wonderful. Now thaat on top of everything else.