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23-July-2009 :: Friends
Still very hot here, the past several days have reached 95°F, and that is inside the house. Which is making it totally impossible to do anything. My Roses bloomed very nicely for about a week then fainted from the heat. Even my indoor Ivy suddenly shriveled up and died.

I have lost contact with one of my oldest friends, Keith Williams. I am not sure what is going on but his phone rings busy 24/7 for the past couple of months. A little bit of worry here since he is getting up in age.

I found out at least part of what was eating at Ray. Apparently he has a number of issues with his car and has decided to sell it. That will be more than a little inconvenient for both of us as we aren't exactly in central Reno. For me it means the only grocery market available to me now is a two hour round trip walk in this heat and is very expensive. I was a bit pissed as I had just spent a lot of money in preparation for outings we were expecting to take; I had gotten a cell phone and had just the day before all this ordered a new SLR camera. Now both are basically worthless; I mean if I'm at home I have no use for a cell phone and there are only so many pictures of my Roses and Cats I can take around the house. Somehow, Ray always finds a way to throw ice-water on everything ... **sigh** ... More worrisome though is He has also announced that he wants to move out and get his own place. I can understand but I am worried that he will bail out before our mortgage is paid and that I wont be able to handle it. (He said he will stick it out but since it will be at minimum 4 years I am wondering if he will be able to.)
02-July-2009 :: Reno Weather / Leak
OMG It has been HOT here the past week and a half. It seems like it is either boiling hot or freezing cold here in Reno. Very rarely "just right" for me. The heat has caused me to miss one radio show so far, and I expect not to be on-air for several weeks. When the temp goes over 85°F the computers start to overheat and have to be shut down. The house has a swamp cooler but it leaks badly, so much so that the water from it runs under the roof and soaks the ceiling in the utility room. So it can't be used, except as a fan.

A Couple of weeks ago we sprung a leak under the house, which required a visit by a plumber. Apparently we need to replace the main supply line that runs along the length of the house. That will have to be in a couple of months, for now the leak is fixed as is the kitchen faucet. (Which we now have pressure in.)

I have been spending a lot of time playing Everquest with my daughter Anna the past couple of weeks. It's been great being in contact with her so much.

Father's day for me has always been just another day, but this year was nice. Ray and I went out to breakfast at IHOP and while we were out Anna Texted to me. I gave her a call and it was great to hear her voice, even if just for a few minutes.

Ray seems ... hmm, pissed off at everyone and everything of late. Not really sure what is going on with him.
25-May-2009 :: Sunday Outing
Ray and I spent Sunday Afternoon Geocaching, something we haven't done in about 4 years. Oh, man, I'm really out of shape! I've added Geocache Pages to the Life/Explore section of my website to explain Geocaching and log our Hikes.

Ray also bought a new computer this weekend with his tax refund.

I've been enjoying being back in contact with my daughter Anna the past week. 20090513 13-MAY-2009 Cell Phone / IVAO World Tour Update The world must be coming to an end. It must be, since I finally got a cell-phone and I'm really the last person in the world who would. I figured with summer coming soon that Ray and I would be out and about and I need to stay reachable to my office. Having mobile access to the net will be helpful for Geocaching anyway. (Yes, it is an excuse, but a good excuse.)

We did go out to the Reno River festival last weekend but it wasn't all that interesting this year. At least not to me. Ray is more into boating and water-sports than I am (for sure! He's took his kayak out to Pyramid Lake as soon as it warmed up.)

I'm still doing the IVAO Formula-1 Tour, every Tuesday Morning. (See 06-Apr News for how to watch me.) I have also been keeping busy in EverQuest the past month or so...
06-APR-2009 :: Cats / IVAO World Tour
It has been a really awful month for me: I have been having trouble getting to sleep, and then only managing about three hours a day on average. I was so used to having the cats sleep with me, especially Alaranth. Ping stopped coming to me when Alaranth disappeared. Tippy though has finally started coming to sleep so it is a bit easier now.

I am on IVAO's Formula-1 Grand Prix World Tour; Flying cargo for the Williams team. It had been quite awhile since I had flown a large jet but getting back into it. The flights for the tour are on Tuesday mornings and you can track me in Google Earth by adding the network link http://bearclaw.rexx.com/jitar.kml

I'm also getting back into EverQuest a bit to keep myself busy.
26-FEB-2009 :: Alaranth
One of my beloved cats, Alaranth, died suddenly this afternoon.

I had been nursing her for several days with a serious but routine geriatric problem, and decided my home remedies were not helping. During the car ride with Ray, she apparently figured out where we were going and started meowing in panic... Moments after we arrived at the Vet's office, she had a seizure, collapsed and stopped breathing. Apparently so frightened of being at the Vet's office that she had a massive stroke or heart attack. They rushed her in back but the vet said her heart had already completely stopped and that there was nothing that could be done.
03-FEB-2009 :: IVAO World Tour Finished
I managed to finish the 2008 IVAO World VFR Tour (with only a couple of hours to spare before the filing deadline.) I flew just over 35,700 miles in a Mooney in three weeks! OMG! I am planning to do the 2009 tours, both the IFR and VFR, although not going to rush through them like I had to for the 2008 version. I am hoping that IVAO will also have a F1 tour this year, as I would like to do that one. If they do, I will fly that and also do the F1 on the N64 which should be interesting.

I have been kind of missing doing my radio shows because of the IVAO WT, but will be back to them regularly starting this week. I did manage to get out a show with new songs by Saffire week before last which was really cool.

Ray is Working again finally. That four months of him being out of work really squeezed us badly.
11-JAN-2009 :: IVAO VFR World Tour
I have just started the IVAO world VFR tour. I haven't really done anything with IVAO for many years so getting off to a bang. You can track my Flight over the next couple of weeks in Google Earth.

I am still updating pages, although a bit slower than I originally expected. Lot of work in the Games section.
01-JAN-2009 :: Website Updates / White Christmas
I did manage to get the Vids uploaded, as well as the Picture Gallery (and got the buttons working on most pages now.) The Gallerys have !thumbs.html files (With Thumbnails of course.) Still working heavily on the site.

Ray and I both really loved our first "White Christmas" but The Snow is melting now. :| The view of the mountains around us is just absolutely spectacular.
29-DEC-2008 :: New Year - New Website Design
A new year is upon us, so I decided it was time to finally update my personal website. Seven Years does seem a bit long between updates. Since it has been so long, I decided to completely rewrite the site with an all new design.

I will be uploading the videos and downloadables over the next couple of days and should have the whole site up and running by the 1st.