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20-DEC-2020 :: Back on the air / Radio Theatre
I have bought some land in second life and built a radio theatre where I will be doing a radio theatre of old time radio shows like Dragnet, X Minus One, and several others. I will be doing the shows from 6PM-8PM Pacific/9PM-11PM Eastern on MON TUE WED FRI and SAT.

I have just heard back from Rick Wrigley, the manager of OGR that I can simulcast on OGR. (ourgenerationradio.com)
13-Dec-2020 :: Dancers
It has taken me most of the year to get people to actually dance at the IYC club, instead of just standing there as wallflowers. Although them being there to chat is great, the dance is really fun! I kind of figured itf I kept going every week and everyone seeing what I could do that others would eventually join in ... The bad thing is that we now have so many people in the club at once, and dancing that MY computer is starting to have problems keeping up with all the graphics!

Inner Circle - Bad Boys (Cops Theme)

Jonas Blue - Naked
10-Dec-2020 :: Yes Virginia there are two
Someone sent me an eMail asking me about my avatar shown in the video clips I have been posting. Its not the one they remember me as... Yes, I actually have TWO avatars I use in second life. Each represents a different side of my personality.

Jitar Bunin (GrRahiir)

Jitar is a bit more formal, and dresses well (as one would expect of a Siamese Cat.) As "DJ Jitar" he is my on-the-air persona during my radio shows. Like me, he smokes cigars and wears glasses. (Which I did most of my life until I had eye-surgery last year.
Benji Le Tigré

Benji is a bit more the wilder free-me beatnick personality. He dances and surfs and as you can see dosent wear a shirt, just a cyberpunk collar and gloves. (Yes, he is wearing pants ...lol) Benji appears to be the only BENGAL tiger furry in second life. (I have never seen another in 15 years!)

Both Avatars are were started from avatars made by Luskwood, and then modified by me. They are scripted to cause the eyes to blink and the ears and whiskers to twitch. Their jaws also move when I am talking in voice-chat or typing in text chat.
08-Dec-2020 :: Even More Dance Videos
I tend to capture 10-15 30 second videos every week while I am at the IYC dance club in the second life virtual world. I decided to post some of my favorite vids from the past year...

AllStars - Things go Bump in the night (Holoween)
La Bouche - Wanna be my lover (Remix)
The Romantics - What I like about you
Los Del Rio - The Macarena (Remix)
07-Dec-2020 :: More Dance Videos
Pretty much every Sunday I'm at the IYC club in the second life virtual world. (secondlife.com) Posting a few video captures from last night at the club ... We have a REALLY good DJ on Sunday evenings from 6pm to 8pm, DJ Dark Dragon!

Shaggy - Angel
Sean Paul - Get Busy
RuPaul - Kitty Girl (Remix)
Wierd Al Yankovic - Tacky
05-Dec-2020 :: More Dead People
I have updated my List of Interesting People I have Known with a few more people who have passed on from the world. I did know that Al and Ara had passed, but for some reason never added them to the page.
25-Nov-2020 :: Birthday
I can't decide if it's "I survived another Year" ... or ... "I'm one year closer to death." ... Anna and I went out to dinner at the Club Cal-Neva here in Reno, where I had steak and shrimp. (It's pretty well traditional for me to have a steak on my birthday. I dont really eat steak too often.) We didn't really do much else. I bought myself a couple of new games and some DLC's for my existing games on Steam. (steampowered.com)
19-Nov-2020 :: Dance!
Most of you know that I am a Furry. For the past year I have been going to a Virtual Furry dance club in the Second Life Virtual World. (secondlife.com) I should say I have returned to SL for the past year, as I used to do this a lot about 15 years ago. I have been going to the IYC in disguise as my alternate self though as my Jitar Avatar is well known (From having hosted a popular radio show in-world many years back.) I can be found at the IYC club in SL most Sunday Evenings from 6p-8p during DJ Dark Dragon's show.

I decided to post a couple of video clips to show people what it is like in a virtual world dance club...

This is how we do it! ... My Jamiriquis imitation
Unknown Song ... Jazz Samba Style
C'mon Ride the Train ... Break-Dance!

We are finally getting a few people becides me who can dance instead of just standing there chatting, but I've only seen one other who can break-dance :)
22-Oct-2020 :: Ouch, Ouch, Ouch.
Anna and I have been mostly staying in and avoiding being exposed to the Corona Virus. So there hasn't been a lot going on. I am thinking of doing my Radio shows again, now that my Dialysis schedule is Mon-Wed-Fri.

I went to one of my eye doctors today and they started a treatment to control the bleeding at the back of my eyes, behind the retna. It involved injecting a medication called EYLEA actually into my eyes. OUCH. I will have to have these every 4-5 weeks for the next 4 months or so. But it is supposed to also reverse the damage as well.
6-Sep-2020 :: ARK
Mostly the past few months have been generic/blah/meh days with not a lot spectacular happening. Having my Daughter Anna around has been very helpful, both for the company and the help she has been giving me in getting around.

This past week I started playing a new game on Steam called ARK Survival Evolved. Anna recomended the game to me. I gave her the little chineese computer the Jon bought me last year when I first got out of the major hospital stay so we could play some computer games together. Nice getting back into EQ again with her.
24-Jul-2020 :: Hospital
I started feeling very sick after Dialysis today and about 10pm started throwing up. I went to the hospital and thry found the infection in my remaining left toes was flaring up again. Back on heavy IV antibiotics. I will have to be on antibiotics for several weeks but caught it early enough I won't loose any more toes. They wanted to keep me or shift me to a nursing home again BUT....

My Daughter Anna is on her way down from Seattle to come live with me. She will arrive Sunday so I am arranging to have the antibiotics infused during dialysis.
27-May-2020 :: Dialysis / Anna
Cindy at the Dialysis center managed to get some RTC Tickets for me so I can get to Dialysis while she is working on alternate Transport. They had me in today and I will resume my normal treatment schedule tomorrow.

OMG, My daughter Anna finally came online in Steam! Aparently the roomies she was with turned out to be druggies who basically robbed her and thrrew her out on the streets. Hence why she stopped answering her phone and went offline. She finally got a computer aparently.
26-May-2020 :: Transportation Issues
I was not able to get to Dialysis today, nor last Saturday due to transporation issues. I am normally taken to and from Dialysis by the RTC Access service (which is Reno's bus service for the disabled) which is normally paid by Medicaid.

Aparently getting switched to Medicare has fouled it up somehow and whatever program I am now on does not cover the costs of transportation. My case worker at the Dialysis center is currently working on the issue.
01-May-2020 :: Wasting Time
I haven't been feeling too well these past few days. I have a new wound on my left foot which appears to be a friction skin tear. I have also been having a tightness in my chest. I keep thinking to myself that I dont have a lot of time left and it is being wasted. I really want to spend what time I have left with family, but only my daughter Anna is left and she has been out of contact for over a year now.
15-Apr-2020 :: Space Engineers Station
I have been working a lot in Space Engineers to setup my Faction's space station, which we intend to open to the Public on the 1st of May. Since I am the chief engineer of the clan, It is my design and I've been the one primarily building it.
30-Mar-2020 :: Ghost Town
I've been kind of feeling "blah" for the past few weeks. Nothing is interesting or exciting. Kind of a grey mood. I'm going through the motions of eating and playing games, but not really enjoying anything.

Reno has become somewhat of a ghost-town with the Coronavirus scare going on. All of the casinos and resturants are all closed down. That might be contributing to the Blah. It's a bit wierd looking out my window as the casino lights are off and the hotels are all dark.

On a brighter note I was finally able to do my radio show this past Sunday, my internet connection mostly held to allow it. And my daughter finally opened her Steam profile and I was able to send a Friend Request to her. Will have to see if she responds to it now.
04-Mar-2020 :: Another Friend's Death
I was at the IYC club last night, as I usually am on Tuesday evenings. I tend to go there to be around people since I usually want some company after Dialysis. Although I didn't go for my Dialysis treatment today. I just wasn't feeling up to it. I've been a little depressed the past couple of weeks, especially so since finding information about my daughter a few days ago.

The DJ was playing some odd soongs, which made me think of one from a few years back. Monica Richard's I am Warrior, which I got to premier on my show many years back. I decided to request the song since it fit with the set that was being played.

When I started looking around online to find a copy of the song, I discovered that my friend Fred "Freak" Smith (who was the Guitarist with Monica Richards in the band "Strange Boutique") had been murdered about two years ago. Being already depressed to start with, this news hit me pretty hard. I wasn't able to stay at the club.

I wasn't expecting to add another of my friends to the "people I should mention" page of my website. At least not so soon.
02-Mar-2020 :: SE server problems
We have been having major issues with our SE server this past weekend. I think it's a network issue, but some of the others who play think that MED or some griefer us using what is known as a "CLANG device" (do a google search for "space engineers clang") to disrupt the server. I (and several others) filed support tickets today.

The other players may be right, as NA#1 went completely offline today.
01-Mar-2020 :: Anna Located
It's been a full year now since my daughter Anna abandoned me. I decided to try one last time to see if I could find any trace of her online.

This time I found some videos she posted about 2 months after the last time I heard from her. I also found some other information which I wish I hadn't found. But I know now that she is still alive, at least as of a couple of weeks ago. I kept thinking that she might have been dead or in jail or something so it's a little bit of a relief.

I also located her (aparently) current steam username, but I can't send any messages because she has everyone blocked.
26-Feb-2020 :: SE Base destroyed again
I came home from dislysis today and was looking forward to working on Space Engineers. But as soon as I logged in I knew something was wrong. It dumped me in a re-spawn pod instead of at my base. A quick check of the listing of my grids showed a lot of blocks were missing, and in fact my entire mining ship was missing.

It took me some time to reach my base, and found it all torn up. Another fucking tunneler (A different one) but this one managed to steal a lot before destroying the base.

Now I'm really mad. I'm designing a giagantic ship. An orbiting killer. I am out for revenge now!

Maybe worse news is the leader of the MED faction from NA#5 showd up today saying he and his gang were going to take over here on NA#1
20-Feb-2020 :: Space Engineers
It dosen't seem like SE server NA#1 is any better on the griefer situation. Again had all of my work destroyed by some griefer. I had built my base inside a mountain on the moon and had guns protecting the entrance. When this guy found that even destroying the entrance guns found him facing more guns inside the base he tunnelled in the back side of the mountain. GRRRRR ... He couldn't get anything because the auto-guns kept him pinned down and he could only reach one small container. But the hole in the mountain is pissing me off.

Moving my base to a hidden location inside a crater at the moon's north pole.
16-Feb-2020 :: Scared Friend / End of wound care
This past week aparently my friend Jon became concerned about me. Aparently my year of obama-phone has ended and it was turned off. I also wasnt paying any attention to my E-Mail this past week, as I have been busily building in Space Engineers. (When I said later to him in a reply e-mail that I had been on the far side of the moon, I was speaking more literaly ... heh.) He finally broke down and went into second life looking for me, but didnt find me there either. Well at least I got him in SL. I saw him today in SL and we talked for a bit.

I have been discharged from Renown's advanced wound care, finally. I am out of the weelchair again and back to the walker. (I told them I thought the tunneling wound would probbably heal, so I was right not to let them amputate the left toes back in Oct.)
14-Feb-2020 :: Valentine's Day / Surfing
I went to the IYC valentine's day beach party. The 2nd DJ that was on wasn't so hot so I started to wander around. I noticed this really big wave that kept comming in to shore and then found a surfboard. Well, I can take a hint. I spent the next 90 minuites trying to figure out how to surf in SL. Had a blast.
05-Feb-2020 :: Death of an Artist
I suddenly started thinking about an old friend, someone who I had worked with for almost a decade, through most of the 90's. I decided to see if I could find Nephi and maybe get back in contact with him.

What I found was that Nephi had passed away quite some time ago. I will be posting his picture and a little info about him on my "People I should Mention" page (in the LIFE section on the left side of this page)
03-Feb-2020 :: Deleted my SE works
I have been playing Space Engineers on one of the multiplayer servers (NA #5) very heavily for several weeks now. Which may have been a mistake. At least a mistake to play on the official servers. In addition to the griefer gang that goes my the faction tag of MED there seem to be a lot of griefers and assholes.

Today I logged in to find everything I had built up destroyed. Several hundred hours of work. In a rage, I deleted all of the Mods I had programmed and the blueprints I had shared with the SE community.

I'm moving to another server in hopes that it is better.
02-January-2020 :: Alive.
Well, here it is, 2020. For some unknown reason, I am still alive.

I spent new years eve dancing at the IYC Club in second life. Had a great time. It's nice being around people and socializing even if it is in a virtual world.